SWANSEA — State Senator Christopher Belt announced that 25 school districts across the area will receive over $12 million in additional funding to help address the financial challenges of recent years.
“Evidence-based funding makes a world of difference in school districts that are in more disadvantaged areas,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “When we take into account data-driven strategies, we are able to provide adequate funding to the schools that need it most, giving all students, regardless of their background, a fair shot at quality education.”
The funding comes from the 2017 Illinois Senate Democrat-backed evidence-based funding formula — an overhaul of the way the state funds K-12 education. The law made school funding more equitable by calculating the needs of individual school districts and basing its state revenue on those needs. The formula takes into account a district’s total enrollment, poverty rate and number of special education or English language learners, among other factors.
Read more: Belt: Metro East schools receive over $12 million in evidence-based funding
SPRINGFIELD – A new law led by State Senator Christopher Belt will identify and correct inequities some individuals face when seeking loans, mortgages or other financial services.
“Unfair lending practices undermine the financial stability of our communities,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “This new law is the first step toward enacting stronger protections to ensure every borrower is treated with fairness and respect.”
The new law builds off previous legislation that incentives state-regulated financial institutions to meet the financial service needs of areas where there is a lack of access to affordable banking, credit for small businesses, reasonable interest rates, mortgages and other lending services.
Under the law, the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation would be required to conduct studies to identify areas in Illinois that show significant disparities in relation to race, ethnicity, gender and other protected characteristics in the area of financial services. The law will also identify policies and procedures that may have discriminatory effects on underserved communities.
“There is no good reason that people are being denied basic banking and financial services, and we cannot continue to let this happen,” said Belt. “I will always be a strong advocate for economic equity, ensuring every resident in the state has the opportunity to succeed.”
Senate Bill 3235 was signed into law on Friday and takes effect Jan. 1, 2025.
SWANSEA – State Senator Christopher Belt joined the Office of the State Fire Marshal in announcing applications are now being accepted for the Small Equipment Grant Program.
“With support from Small Equipment grants, our first responders are able to operate more smoothly and have access to the resources they need,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “When we invest in our first responders and their work, we’re investing in the public safety of our communities too.”
The Small Equipment Grant Program assists fire departments and not-for-profit ambulance services in Illinois, particularly those experiencing difficulty in generating the necessary revenue for small equipment. The grants allow eligible applicants the opportunity to purchase small tools and equipment they may otherwise not be able to afford.
A total of $4 million in funding will be available through this year’s program to eligible fire departments and EMS services. All interested departments should send an application to OSFM electronically or postmarked no later than Oct. 1, 2024.
“My goal as Illinois State Fire Marshal is to help enhance programs such as our Small Equipment Grant Program to provide as much funding as possible for departments/districts across the state,” said Illinois State Fire Marshal James A. Rivera. “We hear the need daily, and departments shouldn’t have to decide between putting fuel in their trucks or providing the needed equipment for their members to protect their communities safely and effectively.”
For more information or to fill out an application, visit the OSFM’s website.
SWANSEA – State Senator Christopher Belt is encouraging local governmental agencies to apply for funding through the Open Space Land Acquisition and Development program following the Illinois Department of Natural Resources’ announcement of $54 million in available funds.
“Parks are assets to our community, and we need to keep them up and running so everyone has the opportunity to enjoy them,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “Programs like OSLAD are what allow our parks and outdoor recreation areas to stay updated and accessible for years to come.”
OSLAD is a matching grant program that offers funding assistance to local governments to acquire and develop land for public parks. OSLAD provides an advance payment of 50% of the grant award amount for approved development projects. Local agencies must demonstrate their ability to finance the remaining project costs before receiving the rest of the grant funds.
Since its establishment in 1986, OSLAD has become one of the state’s most popular grant programs, awarding over $585 million for park projects across the state. In the most recent round of OSLAD awards announced in January, 32 underserved communities received grants to enhance their local park facilities.
The application period closes at 5 p.m. on Sept. 13. For more information, visit IDNR’s website.
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